In a perfect world we all might have
writing partners.
In this one, I like to write by
For now.
- I once wrote a screenplay with a friend. That was a lot of fun. I wrote a play script alone, that was also fun. Theatre, television and film is (even initially) a collaborative art so it’s probably more fun writing screenplays and theatre scripts with like-minded people.
- Novel writing is so personal you can’t go wrong by working independently. I don’t have to mention it’s a good idea to make and keep some friends before, during and after the process.
- Of course, if you have a great partner, writing pal etc. go to it! A few good novels and
- many great television series have been written with more than one person at the helm.
- But be choosy as to the company you keep.
- What’s that old saying about too many cooks? (*they might - and often do - spoil the broth…)
Also, a word of warning, if you want
to be the star, if you want your voice out there in the world – sometimes you
have to write your own script.
By now, you should have a piece of
paper with ideas and or sketches scribbled upon it.
- Look it over.
- Do the words and or images on the page inspire you?
- If they do, then you are ready to begin a plan for the first draft of your first novel.
If they don’t, get inspired and try
again until you are satisfied.
- And keep trying until you are satisfied those words or those pictures mean something to you.
- When you have decided on a genre and an idea worth sticking with you can start to plan with more detail.