Monday, April 29, 2013

TRULY by Summer Day (chapter nine: "Wish Fulfilment - junior year")

Chapter Nine
Wish Fulfilment – Junior Year
Boarding school was boring no more as girls jostled to be part of the Ben Wentworth fan club. His brother was clearly a one man woman…
Confessions of a Teenage Hermit
   After our hiking trip, we started making excuses to meet up at school. 
   The following Monday I was flicking through the required classic reading list in my English Lit folder: Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice as well as two Shakespearean plays, Much Ado About Nothing and Julius Caesar. I felt uninspired. I was wishing we were doing Romeo and Juliet when Ben tapped me on the shoulder and smiled.
    “Hey, didn’t I fix your family’s beach house one summer?” He asked as if it was the first time we’d seen each other in recent years.
    “Hi.” I said, beaming from ear to ear. “That joke’s getting old.”
    “How’s your knee?”
    “Fine, thanks to you.” I changed the subject. “How come you’re in my English Lit class?”
     He shrugged his broad shoulders
    “I transferred from History. This group seems like it’ll be better. They’re combining Junior and Senior classes now. Not enough takers.”
     We looked into each other’s eyes from behind our lockers and before I knew it he’d planted a first kiss on my lips.
     I smiled. It was perfect. He looked around the corridor and said, “I like you. I mean, I really like you. I only talked to Serena to make you jealous.”
    “Really? Well that’s good to know.”
     He smiled.
    “It took a while. Let’s see… three football games, two social mixers, one fall down a cliff. I think I deserve a medal for my bravery.”
    “An award should be arranged.”
    “Uh huh.”
    “Let’s ditch this class and go to the library. I need to do some more research,” I suggested.
    “Sure,” he said. “In the stacks?”
    “Yes,” I replied, “definitely.”
    As we headed to the library he said, “I missed you last night.”
    “Me too.” This was not the moment to play it cool.
    “I got used to sharing the night sky with you. We need to stay focused, though. We shouldn’t get too distracted,” he added as we kissed again behind a row of research files. What can I say? There was some kind of magic between us as I pulled him closer.
   “Agreed,” I said.
   I’d never felt so happy.  Ben and I spent every waking moment together; talking, eating, at team practise. We discussed endlessly what we’d do when high school was over.
   I hadn’t forgotten flying was his dream. Only the very best students would be considered for pilot training in the Air Force. They had to ace math and science and all the difficult subjects. 
    “You have to get serious about study,” I told him. “No distractions.”
     He just smiled his wicked grin.
    “Agreed,” he replied as we met in the bleachers after practise one day.  
     We tried to stop ditching class to make out. We decided to stop meeting between classes to do anything but study. We resolved to stop meeting up after lights out. Just to be together was a perfect distraction.
     I didn’t envy Ben’s dreams but I admired them. After just a short while it became apparent that he had strength of character wholly untested in me, so far. For example, if someone criticized me, Ben always stood up for me. He had his own thoughts and ideas beyond the pack. I’d always done what I was told. I fell into line with the Socials and I was well enough liked because of it. I’d never had to struggle for anything, not even to be noticed. The truth was, I hadn’t wanted to be noticed, until now. 
      I looked into his face again as we walked back to class that day. Apart from kissing we’d spent the last thirty minutes planning the future. We talked about running away together after I’d finished school, but that would hardly be possible if Ben was accepted into the Air Force. He smiled as we walked to lunch together. I remembered a look of wonderment on Ben’s face as we watched a jet fly over the ocean together when we were children. We guessed the places it could be going and ended up with Hawaii.
     “That’s where I want to be someday,” he had said. “Up there in the sky, flying.”
     Every Wednesday, during my junior year, we had practise. Ben played football and I had cheer squad. As Liz noted, we’d become the perfect clichéd couple.
     As Ben wandered off down the hallway I noticed he was one of the tallest boys in school. He looked bored with the confines of the walls already.
     Ben carried Great Expectations in one hand (and held the weight of them), literally, in the other. I knew he would be streets ahead of the other students in English Lit. and not just because he was a senior. Ben seemed wise beyond his years.
     By spring of junior year, it was pretty clear we were in love. Even though we were young, I considered Ben the most remarkable person of my sheltered acquaintance. Jenny couldn’t have been more thrilled with the situation. Meanwhile, Liz had given up trying to dissuade me. Melissa was apparently indifferent. 
     Because Ben was academically outstanding and also brilliant at sports, adding to his popularity, my sister Elizabeth seemed to come over to his side eventually, even listing him “top priority” at the Senior Bachelor Auction. Liz wrote, that’s if he’s not too cool to show.
    “Oh, and Jane?” she added as an afterthought, “you can forget about bidding, that would be way too obvious.”

TRULY by Summer Day (chapter ten "a bad ending")

Chapter Ten
A Bad Ending
How do I describe the part where it all went wrong?... Confessions of a Post-teenage Hermit
    It’s a long story, the part where it ended. It was a slow ending, yet it was fast. In retrospect our whole teenage relationship seems like an ending in disguise. The end began about a year after we’d started dating. I’d turned sixteen and took Ben home with me for dinner one weekend. To say he was not made to feel part of the family is an understatement. 
    The evening began with a few unwelcoming words from my father and some hostile looks from Melissa. Liz had also changed sides. I am ashamed to repeat how badly my family looked down on him and how powerless I was to prevent it. Ben left early.
   When we met back at school the following Monday, something had changed. Deep down, both of us knew my family would be a problem in relation to our future happiness. I resolved not to take Ben to my home again until my family learned to “behave” themselves. But I wondered how many years it would take for them to change their attitudes. They were just snobs, plain and simple.     
    “That boy isn’t good enough for you,” my father had whispered as I cleared away dessert. Ben was standing at the door to the kitchen just about to ask me if I needed any help. He could not have mistaken my father’s meaning or the look of horror on my face.
    I took my coat and announced that I was going back to school.
     My father just said, “not if you want me to pay your tuition,” under his breath.
    “I have to go, Jane.” Ben said. “We’ll talk on Monday.”
     I didn’t blame him. I ran to the door but his car had already sped off.
     “And there he goes,” Elizabeth said, “out with the trash.”
     I threw my drink at her. Elizabeth’s shocked expression was nearly worth the face slap I received from my father after he walked back into the dining room.  It was the first and last time he would ever hit me. After that, he apologised but was secretly quite pleased with himself, I think.    
    Back at school, I asked Ben to forgive me.
    “There is nothing to forgive,” he replied. “I love you, your family hate me. It’s kind of like Romeo and Juliet.”
    “Don’t say that. We both know what happened to them.” 
     Then, of course, there was the night of the bachelor auction that ended like a Greek tragedy.
     Harley won. Ben arrived late from a debate night at another school. He stood in the corner with me and laughed as Harley was crowned “Bachelor of the Year.”
     The next part was everyone’s idea. We decided to pile into the car after lights out and everything had closed down, all the teachers and other students were in bed. Ben, Jenny, Harley, Liz and Tom Winchester (his personality had improved under my sister’s influence – according to Liz) and I, drove to Wentworth Canyon, an area we knew. None of us were drinking. We made a bonfire; we were hiding out from the school, just relaxing and having fun.  Nobody expected Jenny to go off and look for firewood with Liz and me trailing behind. No one could have known she would walk too close to a ledge that would, in a freak moment, collapse and drag her down with it.
    What followed was the worst night and morning of our lives.
   The searchers didn’t find Jenny for a long time. She fell so far into a ravine and our only comfort was that she had not suffered and was killed instantly.
   After statements had been taken by police and investigations underway, we were all suspended. The school couldn’t expel us for drinking but a shadow fell over us anyway, since none of us were supposed to be out of school grounds. We had acted recklessly and there was talk of the school being sued for negligence - as if that would bring Jenny back. I already knew just how dangerous that ravine was. We had behaved badly. A part of me felt we were all somehow complicit in the whole horrible tragedy. We should never have been at Wentworth Canyon in that place, on that night.
    And maybe if we hadn’t, Jenny would still be alive.
    Afterwards, we said goodbye to her in our own ways. The Socials and all of her real friends including Ben and of course Harley, went to her favorite place on the beach with items we knew she’d love. Harley placed notes from all of us in a bottle and threw it out to sea. It wasn’t much, it wasn’t enough and none of us, especially Harley, knew how to get on with our lives.
    In the end, the brothers both won a sports scholarship to various prestigious universities. Ben didn’t go. I applied and was accepted into a liberal arts degree (though I don’t know how since I could barely study for exams or concentrate during my final semester). In any case, I dropped out of college during first semester. I couldn’t study; it just seemed pointless. Elizabeth got accepted into her finance degree but lost some of her drive to finish and instead accepted modelling assignments that took her far from Bel Air.
    Ben, who had already been scouted by colleges, joined the Air Force. By then, everything had changed. A soberness had fallen over our small world and even, it seemed, the town where our school was situated.  Wentworth felt darker. It didn’t matter that they’d remade the boulevard and put extra lights along the pier. I missed my friend every day.
   A year passed in a blur. Everything between Ben and me did too. Our relationship changed once we were no longer together. Ben was in college, I’d transferred to a local day school to finish high school. After the seniors graduated, there was no reason for me to stay and be reminded every day of the best friend I’d lost and I couldn’t help but blame myself.
   People who knew Jenny tried to move on. Her family moved away but I was comforted by the ocean and the coffee shops we’d visited on the rare occasions we’d managed to ditch school and run away to the sea.  
   Ben came home for my graduation. It meant a lot to have him there but the ceremony itself didn’t mean that much to me. I was valedictorian of my new senior class. I’d had nothing to do but study. Without my sisters or Jenny there to be part of the ceremony, it was all pretty empty. Then Ben showed up unexpectedly. He’d talked about coming but wasn’t sure if he could take the weekend off.
   Ben waved to me from the crowd and took a photograph. I was ecstatic. My father glowered at us. Now that Harley was somehow seen to have been involved with Jenny, “to have failed to protect her” according to my father, Ben was even more under the microscope.
    He was going to take the high road, going to go over to my father and shake his hand, but I warned him against it. I was surprised that Dad had even showed up at my “second class high school graduation” as he put it. Though, I’m fairly sure, deep down, he was impressed I’d saved on school fees.
    I didn’t care what dad thought. His true selfishness made me wonder if he was my biological father until I’d seen my birth certificate (aged eight) which confirmed it. 
    That day, I headed straight towards Ben. I wanted to run away with him and would have, if he’d asked. He was not impulsive. Ben liked to think things through. He slipped a note into the picket of my robe. 
    The proposal had been swift and to the point.
     Dear Jane
    Sometimes good comes from bad, don’t forget it. Jenny would have wanted to see you smile today just like I did.
    I have to go now, but I will see you again, soon.
    I love you, I’ll always love you. You are the only person I want to dance with, be with, love with. Even though we are young and your family clearly hate me (and it’s a long time to wait, I know)… after I graduate from officer training, will you marry me?   
    Ben xo.

TRULY (inspired by Persuasion) chapter eleven: "New Days - six years later"

Chapter Eleven
New Days – Six years later 
I turned the pages of the newspaper, spread across the kitchen table, immersed in the headlines, stunned but not surprised to see my family’s name embroiled in financial scandal…  Confessions of a Post-teenage Hermit
     I’d found that note when I packed up my things. My secret engagement had been so long ago it was largely forgotten by everyone except me.
     My teaching assistant’s job had officially ended for the summer (and because I was only employed on contract I had no pay to go on vacation). My bank account, aligned with the family trust – the place I’d allowed my father to invest my share of the family savings and assets, was tied up in debt, frozen. It would be months before we knew the outcome of the investigation into the director of the financial organization we’d invested with. I had exactly one month’s salary to live on – for the rest of my life.
     I was in some credit card debt (my fault from the shopping sprees I’d been encouraged to go on by my sisters) but still, it was the worst time to find a ‘real job’. There were so few vacancies and I didn’t have my degree. Unlike my older sister, Elizabeth, I didn’t panic.  I’d allowed my father to invest money my grandparents had set aside for me, years ago, and although we had not been close in recent years, even then it must have been a very unwise decision. I had to take responsibility for my actions.
      Besides, I loved The Beach Shack. Being a waitress was not the worst idea I’d ever had; it just didn’t pay well. It paid enough, almost.
      “Keep telling yourself that, Jane,” Melissa said. “You’re in your twenties now, it’s time to wake up and smell the espresso – literally.”
      I wished Melissa would keep her ‘helpful’ comments to herself. Teenage marriage had been her escape and she’d never had to consider how to earn a living since. It was typical of her to judge me for trying as hard as I could.
     I wrote out the pros and cons.
    At The Beach Shack, Keira and I get free coffee and food. I also get to sit and work on my blog before and after work and during breaks. It is wasted energy to worry about the lost deposit or the weeks I’d saved to go on the trip to Mexico, something I’d been planning for months.
    The vacay money would have to go towards my debts and credit card bills.
    Who said being an adult was fun? I threw the travel brochures away and picked up Pride and Prejudice instead. I read until early morning.
    After I fell asleep, the telephone woke me up, ringing in my ear. I thought it had been disconnected. I let it go to messages. The only way anyone communicated these days was by text anyway, unless it was urgent. I thought I’d better check. It was Melissa, my younger sister. I heard her familiar whine: twenty-one, married and newly pregnant with her third child. Her first pregnancy, two years ago, had resulted in twins.
     I could hear Melissa’s flat, monotone voice, on the other end of the line, begging me to come and stay with her in Venice Beach. Well, I liked Venice Beach but staying at her place was like a living nightmare of sulking nannies and screaming babies.
   At least she’d offered. Let’s face it, I was in no position to refuse but I knew my father and Liz were expecting me in Bel Air. I hoped it would only be until I got on my feet.
     Nevertheless, Melissa sounded pretty desperate.
     “The nanny needs the day off to go to her mother’s second wedding, so typical!” I pulled the receiver from my ear. Almost no one called me these days except my sisters, and only when they wanted something. I listened to Missy’s voice drone on, a litany of whinges ending with, “I need you here now!”
     Turns out Melissa and Fred, (Melissa’s husband), had a function at Fred’s work they couldn’t cancel and Melissa needed me to drive to the beach house and deliver the keys to Liz who’d organised the lease with the new tenants. Missy had to get ready, then she wanted me to drive back to her place and babysit her children for the evening.
     I knew it.
     I loved children but Melissa’s infant twins were the most difficult I’d ever encountered. All of her previous nannies had quit and I didn’t blame them.
    In a nutshell, my sisters and Keira are pretty much the only other “adults” I’ve spoken to in ages. How was it, I wondered, after more than twenty-one years on this earth, I’d managed to create a network of so few friends?  It hadn’t helped that I’d dropped out of college. But now, my closest acquaintances apart from my family were the convenience store operator and the lady who ran my father’s local dry–cleaning store. 
    Reluctantly, I pulled on a sweater and picked up my car keys.
    When I reached Melissa’s house near Venice Beach an hour later, I glanced at the note she’d left on her dining room table.  I had to go to the grocery store. I’m out of formula! Keys are in the red envelope. Thanks Jane! Text me when you’re done.  
    The kitchen was shambolic. The maid had quit the previous week. There were papers piled up everywhere I looked. I brushed them aside as I tried to locate the envelope, then I glanced at my reflection in the hall. I hadn’t bothered with make-up but I thought I should wash my face. Before I left, I stacked the dishwasher, scraped my hair into a ponytail, secured it with elastic and rubbed some lip balm into my lips; not very glamorous but ready to go.
    I loved driving my old car but suddenly the images of those who were lost to me in different ways – my father, Jenny, Ben – filled the small spaces in my mind that had room for any worldly cares. I was exhausted with worry yet the ocean usually revived me. I loved the coastline along the winding road that led into Wentworth. I turned up the music in my car stereo, but being alone gave me too much time to think.
    I was lucky, really, I told myself. It was just the comparison with my sisters that made me seem somehow lacking. I was hardly old, but my sisters seemed to have their lives organised on the surface. Underneath, it was a different story.
    Melissa met Fred at eighteen and married him three months later. Elizabeth was a driven career woman with a high salary and a passion for first kisses. I had it on good authority (via Melissa) that she was dating Tom Wentworth, but she didn’t want him to think she was “exclusive;” like I cared. 
   I was beginning to look like the sibling without direction, purpose or prospects. Since I hadn’t had a boyfriend who’d lasted longer than a week in three years, neither of my siblings held out high hopes for me.
     When I arrived at Kellynch, the house was lit in afternoon sun. I unlocked the door and pulled on my painting shirt, which still had tiny, Dali-esque splatters along the collar, cuffs and front.
     I was not surprised that my family didn’t arrange the necessary house makeover and repairs until after I left. Freshly painted, the place looked spick and span again and ready for the new tenants. Kellynch was full of memories of happier days.
    You could practically smell the cloying sweetness of money in the damp Victorian hallway near the family portrait, which had been covered with a cloth. I breathed out heavily, determined not to cry anymore.  I’d tried to slip out of the old house days ago, along the hedges of the flowers and fruit trees my grandmother had planted, but once again, I was dragged back. 
     I went outside and sat on the front porch, waiting for Liz to arrive (late as usual), and then I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. I knew I’d probably never live here again, certainly not as a tenant, much less the owner. I wanted to remember the sea air and the sand between my toes.
    The visitors, the family who wished to lease the home, were to arrive at midday to exchange contracts and keys. I wasn’t sure why an estate agent wasn’t employed but suddenly Liz was on a savings drive and had decided to deliver the paperwork herself.  She assured me the new tenants would, “look after the house as if it were their own.”
    I glanced at the contract but their surname, Croft, didn’t ring a bell. The family were obviously not locals
     I couldn’t breathe that afternoon as I waited. It had been half an hour, already. Bored, I found my old swimsuit in a box and decided to go swimming.  By then Liz had texted me to apologise for the delay.
    I dived right into the pool. The water folded into my arms, sublime, drowning my memories – but not quite. The memory of Ben and the reality of my life now was way too clear. Stupid, stupid girl I was, letting myself be talked out of marrying Ben when I was eighteen, being convinced that hesitation would just mean delay. The idea that marrying the man I loved would be the answer to my dreams was so yesterday I nearly laughed. It was such an old fashioned notion to think that any other person had the power to fix your life, let alone a man, yet I felt I was being treated badly by my family because I had no one to stick up for me. Well then, I knew I’d have to stand tall and stand up for myself. 
   “If he loves you, he will wait for you, it will all work out,” Elizabeth had assured me. I wouldn’t have taken advice solely from her but my sisters had agreed. Somehow my Godmother and sisters convinced me that if Ben was more than a passing fantasy, our love would stay strong and survive distance. My father, of course, had shown his true feelings from the beginning.
    “Besides”, my father had said, “any happiness between you and the Wentworth boy is sure to be short lived because truly, what are his prospects? Don’t you realize how hard it is not just to be accepted into pilot training but then to complete it?”
   “Of course, he’d have to become an officer first,” Melissa interjected with a raised eyebrow, as if that was impossible.
    My Godmother assured me if I could wait, so would he.
    How wrong could they have been? I had not heard from Ben since the day I’d refused his proposal. Yet I still wore the plain gold band he’d enclosed with the note, around a fine chain on my neck. I always tucked it into my collars, though, so no one ever saw it.
    Eleanor and the others had been so wrong. My hesitancy caused him to doubt my love. I had loved Ben more than words could say and here he was, returning home for the summer, an officer and a gentleman. He made the boys I’d met since look dull and average by comparison. 
    But no one forced me to do what I did. Not really.
    Hadn’t I thought, deep down, that I was unprepared to be someone’s wife, to wholly belong to anyone until I belonged to myself?
     “You have no sense of your own power,” Jenny had told me once and she was right. All I’d felt, in relation to my family, was the lack of it. 
     But what was worse, I had no sense of self-worth, and I’d spent years searching for it. Doing good works for others, looking after other people’s children might be a worthy occupation but how did it compare to having your own? And the only person I’d ever envisaged doing that with, was Ben. And now he was gone. And yes, I was still young but when you’ve lost the man you love all you feel is the distance of years spread out like an endless, empty road.
      I had loved Ben with all my soul but I’d let him go. Now he was sure to be tied to another. In many ways, because of my hesitancy, I felt I’d deserved this half-world that was my life.
     As I stood on the edge of the diving board, the higher one, the one I never climbed because heights scared me, I shivered. I could feel my hair dripping down my back. I lay down and closed my eyes. I rolled and felt almost light in the sun, faintly off balance, when a hand grabbed my elbow as I opened my eyes. I looked up, closer to the edge and saw Liz’s face.
    “Are you alright?” My sister asked me. Liz was standing on the steps peering over at me through dark sunglasses.  
    “Yes,” I lied. “I was just getting some sun.”
     Liz shook her head.
    “You were miles away, you looked like you were about to roll off the edge of the diving board, eyes closed. I know you are scared of standing up in high places but this is ridiculous. I was yelling at you to come down. It’s not safe up here. The workmen are returning tomorrow to fix the slide. C’mon Jane, the new tenants will be here in twenty minutes, help me clear out the last of the boxes.”
    She offered me her hand and I took it. Women like my sister Elizabeth acted on instinct. They looked after themselves first, knowing that if they didn’t, they might be left out in the cold. Women like Elizabeth would never become women like me.
   If only I’d been that much of a realist, with an iron grip survival instinct. I wouldn’t be the sort of person who almost fell off the edge of a diving board because her head was somewhere in the clouds. 
   I heard my Godmother arriving from next door. “Good news, Jane,” She exclaimed.   “I mean, that the beach house has been leased.”
  “Yes,” I said hesitantly.
   “Oh, I’m sorry. I know it has been your home for the last few years but you are always welcome to stay with me until you are… on your feet again.”
   “Thanks Eleanor,” I replied with a smile. I knew my Godmother meant well, but I’d already promised both Liz and Melissa I’d stay with them. “I’m fine,” I added as I walked back through the sitting room. Sarah Croft, our new tenant, had arrived.  Her name didn’t mean anything to me, but her face looked vaguely familiar.
    “She’s way famous,” Liz whispered as she hurried downstairs. “She’s on that soap, you know, the one that was filmed in Malibu with all of those glamorous people.”
     I couldn’t resist a pause as I walked towards the doorway where Sarah stood, admiring the view. Sarah Croft was Ben’s (now) married sister. Formerly Sarah Wentworth, she’d taken her husband’s name.
    She turned, looked up, smiled at me and said, “Hi, haven’t we met before?”
    “I ...knew your family,” I stammered. Elizabeth looked surprised. I wanted to add, “but we only met once over a family dinner as teenagers.” I remembered how warm and welcoming the Wentworths were back then and the delicious food Mrs Wentworth had cooked. Instead, I said nothing. I’d been erased from Ben’s life as easily as our maid removed dust from the window ledge I’d once crawled out of when I was three.
     I shivered and pulled my sweater close. My hair was still wet.  
     “I knew I’d seen you before,” Sarah said with a smile.
     “I… I’ve seen you on television as well,” I stumbled, sounding not much more than pathetic.
     “Oh, that show,” she said, dismissively, “I think being a mom suits me more than the world of show biz,” she laughed as her young son came running into the room.
     I smiled.
    “Don’t worry,” she joked. “He’s usually very well behaved,” she added as she wandered through the hall to contain her son while her husband talked with Liz outside and signed the paperwork, taking possession of the keys. 
    “I knew your brother once,” I said suddenly.
    “Oh,” she replied, then she smiled. “Oh, now I remember you coming over for dinner when my family lived in Los Angeles.”
     She paused, picked up Max and changed the subject. “Well, thank you so much for renting out your beautiful house. My husband… is working all summer on a movie and this place is exactly what I needed.”
      I paused, “Uh huh…”
      “I felt overwhelmed with my acting schedule and I needed a vacation, just to be a mom. It’s nice to have a break. But I never would have known about this place. My brother told me about it. Ben is so thoughtful like that. He read the notice online. Of course, we knew the town but not this particular area. Ben really is the kindest, best man I know, apart from my father and husband, of course.”
     I smiled. I knew of Ben’s inherent kindness. It was a great attribute that I missed every day. I couldn’t help but be mildly annoyed that Ben was inadvertently responsible for my current situation.
     “I remember now, you were both childhood friends.”
     “We went to Hallowed Halls together.”
     “I missed all of that. I was away at college.”
     “Oh,” was all I said.
      Sarah clearly had no idea about the extent of our relationship. It was probably better that way.
      She continued, “I left college to go into showbiz when I got that series at eighteen, so this is a chance for Ben and I to hang out together before he starts his pilot training programme, in Texas.”
     “Right,” I nodded.
    “We’re having a bonfire party this weekend. You and your family must come. I’m sure Ben would love to see you.”
      Before I could reply my sister called out from beyond the porch.
      I went to leave then hesitated.
     “I’ll try to come. By the way, look after the house. It’s my favorite place,” I said softly, and then I walked outside to the car.
      The weather had turned. I told myself as the young couple and their son took possession of Kellynch that I was glad to be returning to Bel Air, but it wasn’t true.  

Truly (inspired by Persuasion) chapter Twelve: "Borrowed and Blue"

Chapter Twelve
Borrowed and Blue
Something old brings something new… Confessions of a Post-teenage Hermit
     Reeling, I spent that evening looking after Melissa’s twins. Helping others is good therapy. Besides, I couldn’t get out of it. When Melissa arrived home at midnight, she started complaining and hardly bothered to thank me as usual. I’ll admit, I couldn’t wait to get away from her. The babies had barely stopped crying for hours and I was exhausted. They had settled finally just before my sister returned.
     “Aren’t you going to stay and have some tea with me?” She asked innocently.
     “I have to go home,” I said. “Dad and Liz are expecting me for breakfast.” Another lie.
     It was not the longest drive from Venice Beach to Bel Air and there was very little traffic at midnight. Once again, the journey gave me time to think. I always did my best thinking on the road. I thought back to how Ben and I had parted - badly.
     “Are you sure this is what you want?”
    “Yes, no, I mean, I have to take notice of my family. They only want what’s best for both of us.”
     The voices became less distant, a remembered conversation, that last time I’d seen Ben.
    “I don’t understand, he said. I mean, I get it. You’re refusing my offer. We’ve been through a lot. You lost your best friend but don’t you think we deserve to be happy? Jenny would have wanted you to be happy.”  
    “I only think we should wait.”
    “But why wait?  You know I love you, you love me.”
    “I can’t go against my family’s wishes. My father has asked me to wait until I finish college. He thinks Missy made a mistake and doesn’t believe in rushed marriages. It’s hard… to go against him. He raised me.”
    “You mean, it would make life difficult if you don’t do what he wants? What sort of father is he if he doesn’t want you to be happy?”
    “He does, he just wants me to wait. And my Godmother agrees and so do my sisters.”
    “Your sisters are jealous. As for your father, maybe he’s right? Maybe we should wait until I have...more money, better connections – isn’t that what he means?”
    “I…I don’t know, I mean...”
    “Isn’t that what you mean?”
    “No. Of course not. You’re putting words into my mouth.”
    “Oh, I know how this works. They make it hard for us, make us wait for a few years by which time you’ve finished college at which point a line of rich, inbred males with familiar surnames are paraded around before you so you can choose the right husband – one your father approves of.”
    “That’s not it at all, you know there will never be anyone but you… we might only be young but you are the love of my life, Ben.” 
    “I wish I could say the same but you are so easily…”
    “Persuaded.  You don’t seem to know your own mind.  Perhaps it’s better if we take this time apart while I go to college and you finish school and make it permanent...”
     “What? What? No! I love you, I told you I just want to wait for you...”
     As he turned from me he walked down the hallway and out into the brightness of day. I had the strangest feeling it would be a long time before I saw his face again.

TRULY (inspired by Jane Austen's Persuasion) chapter thirteen: "Domestic chaos"

Chapter Thirteen
Domestic Chaos
A castle in Bel Air full of hopes, dreams and financial scandal…  Confessions of a Post-teenage Hermit
    By dinner time my Father was seated in his study, overlooking the infinity pool. From his floor length windows we had an entire view of the sweep of Los Angeles, hills in the distance, lights twinkling in the dark. It was an amazing sight, even welcome, I had to admit.
    “A fighter pilot, did you say, Liz?”
    “Not yet, Dad. He just graduated as an officer in the Air Force. He doesn’t have his wings yet, but he will. His sister’s family are renting the place.”
    “His sister? How thoughtful. Of course, it all sounds good but being a pilot is one of the more dangerous occupations in the world.”
    “Actually Dad,” Liz added as if I wasn’t in the room, “plane travel is safer than car.”
    My father shrugged as if to say he didn’t think so.   
    “Apparently his sister’s husband is working in LA over the summer. Her show is on hiatus and with a small child and a baby on the way, he wanted to do something vacation wise with the family for the summer. Apparently money is no object as he didn’t hesitate over the deposit…”
   I listened to them talk on until it finally dawned on me after further questioning, that they were barely aware of my presence as I sat on the couch reading a magazine.
   My father prided himself on his former career as a litigator until he became so rich from inheritances and investments that he’d given up practising but was busily reading the newspaper on the internet to keep abreast of all his old associates and their various crimes and cases. I’d woken for breakfast and was hovering in the hallway as Melissa arrived, depositing a baby in my arms.
    “I’ve decided to come over for breakfast. Fred is at home with the other one. We had an argument.”
    “Oh,” I said.
    “Missy?” Dad asked gruffly, looking up from above his glasses.
    “Hi Dad.”
    “Liz and I are so happy you’ve come to stay,” he said unsmilingly. “All my daughters are here for breakfast. What a treat,” he added.
    It didn’t take him long before he criticized me.
   “Jane? You’re looking pale and withdrawn. Haven’t you been getting enough sun?”
   “I’ve been teaching and not at the beach dad,” I said with exasperation.
   He could barely hide his distain.
   “Ah, yes, teaching. When are you going to give me some more grandchildren? Elizabeth is simply devoted to her career, but you, Jane, I once had high hopes for you. Teaching is fine but Wentworths marry well or become lawyers, although the two are not mutually exclusive.”
   “Yes, dad,” I said absently. I was barely listening as I poured my coffee but I knew agreeing was the easiest option. 
    Dad barely listened to me as usual but since we were both older now he paid me lip service. By “marrying well” my father meant marrying not just money but connections. I was fed up with his pathetic snobbery and wondered why I endured the weekly torture of family dinners. I had no choice now I was under his roof again as I had no savings of my own.  I was beginning to consider my Godmother’s offer of a loan. How else would I make my escape?
    “Are you seeing anyone, Jane?” Melissa asked as she looked up from her fashion magazine whilst the new nanny took care of her baby. Melissa was dressed in designer clothes. Fred was on his team building exercise that weekend but Liz had confided to me, that he and Melissa were having “trouble.”
    So, here we were: this highly dysfunctional co-dependant family, attempting to “communicate.” 
    I know, everyone deserves better, but they were mine. And I was theirs. It always bothered me deep down that I knew it was not possible to love and love weakly. That kind of love was not love, just need. I fulfilled some need in my sisters as they did me. As for my father, well, he was just plain difficult. Yet I grew up in a cocoon and was assured my parents and sisters were devoted to the family unit. Perhaps that was true, and there was love and loyalty, of a sort.
     I had no influence in my own family. Having neither a suitable career – meaning, highly paid and prestigious – nor a suitable husband (meaning the same), meant my views were meaningless. In my family, love without money didn’t rate. Some family, I know. Terrible value system, I know that also. Yet, they were mine. Even though we all sat in separate parts of the kitchen to eat breakfast (Dad was at the head of the table reading the newspaper), we shared a kind of love. If it’s possible to love and love weakly, or maybe it was just familiarity mixed with loyalty. Yes, that’s what my family were. They bickered and criticized in private, but publicly, we stood up for each other – mostly. 
    “Oh, Jane,” Melissa said as she ate some toast, “put something decent on, you can go and choose anything you like from Elizabeth’s closet; I’m sure she won’t mind.”
    “In a moment, Melissa.” I changed the subject, “I’ve gone over the accounts Dad,” I said mildly.
    “That wasn’t necessary, Jane. Melissa already did it,” he said as he turned to the legal section of his paper.
    “Melissa’s accountancy skills are one of the reasons we are in this mess…”
    “There’s no need to place blame, dear, we are all in this together….”
     Melissa ignored our conversation and looked up from her toast again to ask, “Haven’t you changed your clothes yet, Jane? I wish you’d stop boring us all with constant talk of money.” 
     I cleared my throat and continued, “… as I was saying, if everyone tightens up a bit with their spending we mightn’t have to sell the Bel Air house.”
    My father grunted as he spoke, “Jane, there is no way I’m selling this place. I haven’t even contemplated it. I’d sell your car before I’d do that.”
   “Dad, you can’t do that.”
   “Why not?”
   “It’s a rental.”   
   “Oh,” he replied unapologetically. “Well, never mind, you’ll be able to buy one soon.”
    I shook my head as I finished my coffee and walked upstairs to do as I was told. I was searching through Liz’s closet when I heard the gate from next door swing open and noticed Eleanor walking along the path that connected our houses. I’d forgotten Eleanor had been invited for brunch. 
     My Godmother lived in the vast estate that bordered ours and had decided to bring over a homemade dessert as a welcome gift for me. Even though Eleanor had been alone since her husband left, she had already remarried (and divorced again) and had no romantic inclinations towards my father whatsoever. She had a huge business fortune and a clothing line to oversee and those interests kept her busy. The fact that she and my father had never dated (nor ever would, as they were cousins), made their alliance even stronger. Basically, Eleanor had so much money from her first husband that she didn’t ever envisage sharing it again with a new husband.
    By the time Eleanor arrived at our door, I’d seen the news on my cell phone, an attachment about Ben that Keira had sent me. I’d run upstairs to read it, although Melissa was relieved I was seeking “a change of clothing.”
     I kicked my shoes off and flung myself on Elizabeth’s bed to hide from my family and finish reading the article.
     I couldn’t express how I felt as I read the words, returning home town hero. Apparently, Ben had invented some kind of computer programme that could change the world of aviation. Some huge software company had bought it. This meant Ben wouldn’t ever have to work again. I knew he’d never choose to take the easy path though. He’d always dreamed of being in the Air Force.  
     I flung my cell on the floor and myself on my sister’s bed. Minutes later I heard a voice.
     “Jane, what is it?” Eleanor asked.